News list for " geo"

The former assistant to the Georgian prime minister has fled abroad for allegedly embezzling the former prime minister's bitcoin

On March 8, a Georgian court ordered the imprisonment of Mission Gate founder and venture capitalist George Bachiashvili, who is currently on trial for allegedly embezzling former Georgian Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili's investment profits. Bachiashvili's previous bail was 2.50 million Georgian lari ($900,000), but the Georgian Interior Ministry reported that the investor crossed the border into Armenia on March 2, violating his bail conditions. Therefore, Judge Giorgi Gelashvili supported ...

2025-03-08 02:51:09


2025-02-25 16:09:02
Georgia proposes new bill to allow state finances to invest in bitcoin without limit

According to Cointelegraph, the Georgia Senate has introduced Bill 228 (SB 228), which proposes to amend Title 50, Title 17, Section 3 of the state code regarding state depositories, authorizing the state depository board to allow the state treasury to invest in bitcoin. The bill, which was introduced by five senators including Senator Esteves of the 35th Ward and is awaiting approval by the Senate, requires the state Treasury to establish policies and procedures for the receipt, storage and tra...

2025-02-24 03:14:32
Standard Chartered Analyst: Prediction That Bitcoin Will Surpass $500,000 When Trump Leaves Office Still Valid

Standard Chartered analyst Geoff Kendrick has previously said he expects bitcoin prices to exceed $500,000 by the time Donald Trump leaves office. He said in a report Tuesday morning that the forecast remains valid, looking back at BTC's weak short-term price action, supported by a recent series of 13F filings on institutional ownership of spot bitcoin ETFs. Kendrick said the buyer type has evolved from retail investors to hedge funds, and now...

2025-02-18 21:56:48
渣打银行分析师:特朗普卸任时比特币将超过 50 万美元的预测仍然有效

渣打银行分析师Geoff Kendrick此前曾表示,他预计唐纳德·特朗普卸任时比特币价格将超过 50 万美元。 他在周二早间的一份报告中表示,该预测仍然有效,回顾BTC短期内疲弱的价格走势,最近一系列有关现货比特币 ETF 机构所有权的 13F 文件给了数据支持。Kendrick表示,买家类型已经从散户发展到对冲基金,现在又...

2025-02-18 21:56:48
What does Buffett's latest move mean? The answer may be revealed this month... Click to view...

What does Buffett's latest move mean? The answer may be revealed this month... Click to view...

2025-02-18 08:36:44
The SEC's lawsuit against bitcoin miner Geosyn has been put on hold due to fraud allegations by the US federal government

The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) has suspended a fraud lawsuit against crypto mining company Geosyn Mining and its executives after U.S. federal prosecutors filed similar charges against the company's CEO and two former executives. In a Feb. 14 filing in federal court in Texas, the agency agreed to stay the execution of the case it filed in April 2024 after Geosyn CEO Caleb J.

2025-02-17 02:21:33

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)已暂停对加密挖矿公司Geosyn Mining及其高管提起的欺诈诉讼,此前美国联邦检察官已对该公司的首席执行官及两名前高管提出了类似指控。在2月14日向德克萨斯州联邦法院提交的文件中,该机构同意暂缓执行其于2024年4月提起的案件,此前Geosyn首席执行官Caleb J...

2025-02-17 02:21:33
Standard Chartered: BTC Expected to Rally This Weekend

Geoffrey Kendrick, head of global digital asset research at Standard Chartered, said in a recent note that bitcoin has been down for five consecutive weekends, but that trend is expected to shift this weekend. A slight rally this weekend could trigger ETF inflows on Monday, pushing the price back to $100,000 and then to $102,500. In recent weekends, New York...

2025-02-16 00:07:43
渣打银行:预计本周末 BTC 将反弹

渣打银行全球数字资产研究主管分析师 Geoffrey Kendrick 在近日的一份报告中表示,比特币已经连续五个周末下跌,但预计本周末这一趋势将发生转变。本周末的小幅上涨可能会在周一引发 ETF 资金流入,推动其价格重返 100,000 美元,然后涨至 102,500 美元。 最近几个周末(纽约...

2025-02-16 00:07:43
The US state of Georgia has proposed a bill that would allow state finances to invest in bitcoin

According to Bitcoin Magazine, the US state of Georgia has introduced a bill that would allow state treasurers to invest in bitcoin.

2025-02-14 14:49:09
Class A shares of real estate sector changes pull up, electronic city, gorgeous family, Wolong real estate are sealed board limit, China happiness rose more than 6%, the first shares, Rongsheng development and so on up.

Class A shares of real estate sector changes pull up, electronic city, gorgeous family, Wolong real estate are sealed board limit, China happiness rose more than 6%, the first shares, Rongsheng development and so on up.

2025-02-13 02:24:50
Paradigm CTO: Rethv1.2 has been released

Georgios Konstantopoulos, chief technology officer at Paradigm, tweeted: "Rethv1.2 has been released, Pectra is ready and L1 is up to 50 per cent better, with a default Gas limit of 36M. This release is a breakthrough and marks the start of a new high-efficiency consensus engine with previously unachievable optimizations."

2025-02-13 01:33:50

Paradigm首席技术官Georgios Konstantopoulos发推表示,“Rethv1.2版本已发布,Pectra已准备就绪且L1使用性能提升达50%,默认Gas限制为36M。该版本具有突破意义,标志着我们开始推出新的高运行效率共识引擎,并进行了以前无法实现的优化。”

2025-02-13 01:33:50
The German Geoscience Research Center GFZ: 6.89 magnitude earthquake in northern Honduras; the US tsunami warning system shows that there is a tsunami risk in the Caribbean Sea and northern Honduras after the earthquake.

The German Geoscience Research Center GFZ: 6.89 magnitude earthquake in northern Honduras; the US tsunami warning system shows that there is a tsunami risk in the Caribbean Sea and northern Honduras after the earthquake.

2025-02-09 00:00:55